Nonresident Registration
Nonresident Student Enrollment Application
Registration for Nonresident students grades 1st-8th is open May 1-31 2024.
This application process will close on May 31, 2024 at 3:30PM MDT
Acceptance is not guaranteed and decisions will be made in accordance with Policy 3141 and Section 20-3-320, MCA.
Registration for Nonresident students in Kindergarten will be open July 1-31, 2024.
All nonresident students, grades 1-8, seeking enrollment must submit an application for admission for the succeeding school year by May 31, 2024 at 3:30PM MDT.
Applications of interest should be submitted to the Superintendent.
The completed application must also include Form FP-14, a copy of attendance and behavioral records for the last three years from current or previous school, birth certificate, and immunization record. Please fill out Page 1 of both the application and FP-14.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Each application will be assigned a random and confidential non-identifying number to keep the student's name private.
Not more than 30 days following the application deadline, the Superintendent submits a list of applications to the Board of Trustees with recommendations.
Upon receipt of a complete application the district has 10 days to notify the parent or guardian of their confidential application number and date of review by the Board of Trustees.
Nonresident students currently enrolled in the Elder Grove School District must complete an application for each school year in advance, adhering to the timeline provided by the district.
Acceptance is not guaranteed and decisions will be made in accordance with Policy 3141 and Section 20-3-320, MCA.
For questions, please contact Superintendent Goltz at Elder Grove School District (406) 656-2893.